Welcome to Friendly Organics Canada - Your Gateway to a Healthy Lifestyle!

Nov 14, 2023

Specialty Food, Health Markets, Organic Stores

If you are passionate about sustainable living and want to make conscious choices for your well-being, look no further than Friendly Organics Canada. We are proud to be your premier destination for specialty food, health markets, and organic stores. Our commitment to promoting health and sustainability is at the core of everything we do.

At Friendly Organics Canada, we believe that what we put into our bodies matters. That's why we are dedicated to offering a wide range of specialty food items that are natural, organic, and ethically sourced. From farm-fresh produce to gluten-free alternatives, we have something to cater to every dietary need and preference.

When you step into our health markets, you'll be greeted by a vast selection of wholesome products. From vitamins and supplements to natural skincare and eco-friendly household items, we strive to provide you with everything you need for a balanced and mindful lifestyle. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff are always ready to assist and educate, ensuring that you make informed choices for your well-being.

In our organic stores, you'll discover a treasure trove of pure, chemical-free products. We partner with local farmers and producers who share our vision of sustainability, ensuring that you have access to the freshest and most environmentally friendly options available. Whether you are looking for organic groceries, natural beauty products, or sustainable household essentials, we are your one-stop shop.

Does Cornmeal Kill Weeds?

One common question that many garden enthusiasts ask is, "Does cornmeal kill weeds?" To provide clarity on this topic, let's delve into the wonderful world of organic gardening and explore the potential benefits of using cornmeal as a natural weed control method.

Cornmeal, derived from ground corn, is a natural and safe product commonly used in cooking. However, it has also gained popularity as an eco-friendly alternative for weed management. What sets cornmeal apart from traditional herbicides is its ability to suppress weed growth without harming surrounding plants or introducing harmful chemicals into the soil.

The natural weed control properties of cornmeal lie in its ability to prevent weed seeds from germinating. When sprinkled over soil or mulch, cornmeal acts as a pre-emergent herbicide, inhibiting the growth of weed seedlings. It forms a barrier that hinders the weeds' ability to sprout and establish themselves in your garden.

Although cornmeal is not a foolproof weed eradication method, it can be an effective tool when used in combination with other organic gardening practices. It is particularly useful for controlling annual weeds that germinate from seeds each year, such as crabgrass, dandelions, and purslane.

It's important to note that cornmeal does not discriminate between weed seeds and desirable plant seeds. Therefore, it is advisable to apply cornmeal only in areas where you don't plan to sow seeds or where your desired plants have already established themselves.

The application of cornmeal as a weed suppressant is relatively straightforward. Begin by identifying the areas in your garden where weed growth is a concern. Sprinkle a light layer of cornmeal over the soil surface, ensuring an even distribution. Lightly water the area to help the cornmeal settle.

For optimum weed control, it is recommended to apply cornmeal in early spring or late fall when weed seeds are most likely to germinate. Keep in mind that cornmeal is not a quick-fix solution; it may take several weeks before you start to notice its effects. Regularly monitor the treated areas and reapply cornmeal as needed.

Organic Gardening - A Sustainable Approach to Cultivating

Now that we have explored the topic of weed control using cornmeal, let's take a broader look at organic gardening as a whole. Organic gardening is a sustainable and environmentally friendly approach to cultivating plants without the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, or genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

By opting for organic gardening practices, you not only contribute to the preservation of ecosystems but also prioritize the health and well-being of yourself and your loved ones. Let's dive into the various benefits and principles of organic gardening:

1. Promoting Soil Health

Organic gardening focuses on nurturing the soil as the foundation for healthy plant growth. Through the use of compost, animal manure, and natural amendments, organic gardeners enrich the soil with essential nutrients and beneficial microorganisms. This leads to improved soil structure, enhanced water retention, and increased nutrient availability for plants.

2. Avoiding Harmful Chemicals

Avoiding the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides is a fundamental principle of organic gardening. Instead, organic gardeners rely on natural alternatives such as compost, mulch, and companion planting to maintain a balanced ecosystem that naturally deters pests and supports pollinators.

3. Conserving Water

Water conservation is an essential aspect of sustainable gardening. Organic gardeners employ various methods, including drip irrigation, rainwater harvesting, and mulching, to minimize water wastage and ensure efficient hydration for plants.

4. Supporting Biodiversity

Organic gardening encourages biodiversity by creating habitats for beneficial insects, birds, and other wildlife. Planting a diverse range of flowers, herbs, and native plants not only adds beauty to your garden but also supports pollinators, predators, and other organisms that contribute to a healthy ecosystem.

5. Producing Nutrient-Rich, Flavorful Produce

One of the highlights of organic gardening is the unmatched flavor and nutritional value of homegrown produce. By abstaining from synthetic chemicals, organic gardeners cultivate fruits, vegetables, and herbs that are bursting with natural flavors and packed with essential vitamins and minerals.


At Friendly Organics Canada, we are passionate about promoting health, sustainability, and organic living. Our specialty food offerings, health markets, and organic stores cater to individuals who are committed to making positive choices for themselves and the environment.

Whether you're curious about natural weed control methods like cornmeal or interested in adopting organic gardening practices, we are here to guide and support you on your journey. Together, we can create a greener and healthier world, one garden at a time.